This mega-pod of dolphins is estimated to have over 1,000 of the intelligent and social mammals, and it captivated seafarers off the Southern California coast near Dana Point. The video above was captured and shared by Dana Wharf Whale Watching, who coined the phrase “Dolphin Stampede”, or so they claim.

Watching their playful leaps and hearing the sound of waves is mesmerizing and relaxing, and we hope you can take a moment to enjoy it.

If you’re planning a fundraising event, you’ll want to make sure you let your supporters know that you see them as members of your pod, and that their support is what makes your successes possible. There are many ways to do that and they all boil down to a focus on donor centric fundraising.

By recognizing the important role your donors play in fulfilling your mission, and by keeping them informed of how their support is being used, you’ll be able to harness the power of a thriving mega-pod of donors. Your community will rally around you and your mission, and you’ll marvel at how much power there is in donor participation.

Hat tip: SF Gate