This recently released French documentary details the lives of prehistoric peoples working together, regardless of sex, in order to survive.

When watching be sure to enable the auto-generated English subtitles, unless you know French.

Recently, more and more evidence has been discovered that women and men operated on much more equal grounds throughout prehistoric societies than previously thought. Many of these discoveries are found in the excavated grave sites and through observing modern tribes where woman do engage in hunting activities. Living off the land was, and still is, no easy task. It took the combined effort of every person to ensure the survival of the tribe.

When we think about these ancient peoples, we should reflect on their goals and how they achieved them. Their goals were to flourish and survive, and they did this by giving the people in the tribe the space to do the work that they could most effectively do.

This method worked so well, homo sapiens eventually spread across the world and flourished. If we take these same methods and apply them in our organizations, they too should flourish in their equal success.