Derek Campina, founder of Bionic Pets, discovered a way to combine his interests in design and 3D modelling with his love of animals and, in the process, pioneered his own field.

Animal ortho care was not an industry that existed before Derek launched his company in 2005, and since then he’s helped all sorts of animals, from dogs and cats to bald eagles and even elephants! He even figured out a way to send the casting kits to caregivers all over the world so that he can help animals that he can’t visit. They receive the kit, take the casting of the part of the body that will connect with the orthotic device and then mail it back to Bionic Pets who uses it to create the mold for the device.

Bionic Pets is a great example of when passion meets innovation and results in a collaboration that changes peoples’, and pets’, lives for the better.

Hat tip: Good News Network
Video source: Virginia Public Media channel on Youtube