Sometimes the simplest things are the most profound. Take for example, the ability to speak to the people we interact with on a daily basis. When we say hello and thank you, we rarely think of the impact of being able to say and hear those things. In this video we get to see the effect that everyday communication, the kind we take for granted, can have on someone for whom it has been rare.
The moment Muharrem was told good morning by a stranger, in sign language, we could all see there was an immediate reaction. Since Muharrem is hearing impaired, the only way that he can communicate with others is through sign language. The whole town, with the help of his sister and some help from Samsung, took the time to secretly learn sign language to be able to communicate with him. The surprise he feels as more and more people communicate with him is apparent.
This example of collective action to benefit a member of the community is heartwarming and can act as a model to inspire someone, or a group of someones, to take action. There are many people around us who may not be able to communicate as easily as we ourselves take for granted. Whether the person is hearing impaired or doesn’t speak the common language of the area, not being able to communicate is very isolating and can lead to depression. When we communicate with someone else we are letting that person know that we see and hear them. When communicating, we are letting the other person know that we care and are interested; when we expand our language to include theirs, we open up entire new worlds.