Have you heard the good news about this year’s coral reef spawn at the Great Barrier Reef? This past November, researchers witnessed what they described as a “banner year” in the reproduction cycle of the coral reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia, the largest single structure in the world made of living organisms! As you can see from the video post above, the reef is far from dead. In fact, “It is gratifying to see the reef give birth. It’s a strong demonstration that its ecological functions are intact,” Reef Teach marine scientist Gareth Phillips told EcoWatch.

This is one of several positive stories to come out of 2021 that was published in a list on Good News Network, and we were happy to see so many wins celebrated. Another one we love is of a Kenyan woman, Nzambi Matee, who found a way to address the issues of plastic waste, poverty and lack of housing by innovating a way to combine recycled plastic with sand to create bricks that are 5 to 7 times stronger than concrete. Her Nairobi-based company, Gjenge Makers, has recycled over 20 tons of plastic and created over a hundred jobs so far and they continue to grow! You can read more about it in this blog post by The Borgen Report.

Click the link at the bottom of this post to read about the other wonderful wins that made the list.

As this year comes to a close and we reflect on all that happened, both in our personal spheres and in the world at large, it is our hope that the positives out-weigh the negatives and that these Moments of Bliss bring you some joy and optimism whenever you need them.

Happy New Year, folks!

Video source: Reef Teach on Instagram
Hat tip: Good News Network’s article “Top Wins for the Planet in 2021”