This prototype by Ford gives hope to thousands of humans with suffering pets.

Fireworks, whether legal or illegal, are a constant feature of American summer nights in many cities and towns across the country. What was once limited to 4th of July is now experienced night after night, for hours on end. And while that sounds like every kid’s dream, it can be a nightmare for pets and their owners, as well as people with PTSD or some forms of autism. The humans have noise-cancelling headphones they can wear, but for scared or anxious pets, the options are more limited.

But as the video above shows, there are solutions on the horizon for those who are dealing with this issue. While it is currently only a prototype, there is a clear need for technologies like the ones used by the Ford Motor Company to create this noise-canceling kennel. Adapting the system used in their vehicles to help suffering animals is a wonderful example of how out-of-the-box thinking can lead to compassionate innovation.